A walk in the score Articles

Wagner – Tannhäuser Overture [ANALYSIS]

The luscious, energic and grandiose overture to Wagner’s Tannhäuser.

Mendelssohn – Italian Symphony – Part 2 [ANALYSIS]

The elegant 3rd movement and the energic and whirly 4th movement conclude this journey through Italy as seen through Mendelssohn’s eyes.

Mendelssohn – Italian Symphony – Part 1 [ANALYSIS]

The vitality of an Italian piazza and a religious procession: an analysis of the first 2 movements of Mendelssohn’s Symphony n.4

Mozart – Don Giovanni Ouverture [ANALYSIS]

Ominous, sparkling, surprising, and most of all ahead of its own time. Find all of this out through this analysis of this Mozart’s masterpiece

Conducting Pills

A FREE video series with an analysis of structure, phrasing, and, of course, conducting tips of repertoire works: from Mozart to Brahms, from Beethoven to Debussy. A new episode every week!