A walk in the score Articles

Schubert Symphony n.5 – Part 2 [ANALYSIS]

The analysis of the 3rd and 4th movements of Schubert’s charming symphony n.5

Schubert Symphony n.5 – Part 1 [ANALYSIS]

The lighthearted and harmonically subtle 5th symphony of Franz Schubert: its first and second movements are the subject of this post.

Mahler – Das Lied von der Erde – Part 3

The last article on Das Lied von der Erde, covering the final two movements of this magnificent Mahler’s Symphony

Mahler – Das Lied von der Erde – Part 2

The journey into Mahler’s Das Lied von der Erde continues with the analysis of the 3rd and 4th movements

Conducting Pills

A FREE video series with an analysis of structure, phrasing, and, of course, conducting tips of repertoire works: from Mozart to Brahms, from Beethoven to Debussy. A new episode every week!