Articles Articles

Harold Farberman, adieu Maestro!

It took me quite a bit of time to write this post. I was really close to him, and honestly I’m still coping with his passing.

Podium Time Podcast (interview)

“If You Miss a Cue”: it was a pleasure to be a guest on Podium Time, a podcast for conductors from conductors, discussing the importance of imagination, the most important aspect of score study, and how we expect people to listen to concerts.

Music and artists in the new witch hunt era

The Weinstein case generated a snowball effect: no, I’m not talking about the lawsuits or the #metoo stories. I’m talking about the side effect on the art world: from a petition to remove a painting by Balthus from a museum to the altered finale of Carmen.

I hate Boulez. Long live Boulez.

I don’t really hate Boulez. But I don’t like his music. But I do like what he tried to do. And I want more of it.

Podium Time Podcast (interview)

Podium Time Podcast (interview)

“If You Miss a Cue”: it was a pleasure to be a guest on Podium Time, a podcast for conductors from conductors, discussing the importance of imagination, the most important aspect of score study, and how we expect people to listen to concerts.

Music and artists in the new witch hunt era

Music and artists in the new witch hunt era

The Weinstein case generated a snowball effect: no, I’m not talking about the lawsuits or the #metoo stories. I’m talking about the side effect on the art world: from a petition to remove a painting by Balthus from a museum to the altered finale of Carmen.

Henri Dutilleux

Henri Dutilleux

Henri Dutilleux - Between worlds Diving into contemporary music, Henri Dutilleux is one of those figures that attract...

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ARTax – music rEvolution

ARTax – music rEvolution

2016 - ARTax is born It took some time. Depending on the point of view, it took a lot of time. Everything goes back to...

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From Pickwick to picnic

From Pickwick to picnic

The art of losing ground Once upon a time, not that long ago, you could catch quite a few cultural programs on Italian...

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Ravaged Beauty

Ravaged Beauty

A conceptual opera with a ravaged finale Wandering around the internet, one can make some quite unexpected encounters....

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Conducting Pills

A FREE video series with an analysis of structure, phrasing, and, of course, conducting tips of repertoire works: from Mozart to Brahms, from Beethoven to Debussy. A new episode every week!